Contact Us
This is where you can send us a message. But, before you do, please read the following:
We are not able to personally answer certain questions at this time, due to compliance with an FDA warning letter and in order to prevent violations of administrative, civil and/or criminal law. Please know however, we do read your emails and we appreciate your comments, opinions, suggestions, questions, etc
The most common question we receive is: Where can I get supplies?
First, let us be clear… we DO NOT sell any supplies nor endorse anyone who does. Any product claiming that Jim Humble endorsed or approved of them (some with his picture) is fraudulently misrepresenting Jim’s endorsement of their products. You can find Sodium Chlorite (from which Chlorine Dioxide is produced) on the internet via internet searches. You can also ask for help from the public on the Chlorine Dioxide Forum.
Our heart goes out to those with health-related questions. If this is your situation, we encourage you to see a health practitioner you trust. You can find answers to the most common questions here:
- The FAQs page on this site.
- The MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, which was written with the intent to answer the most common questions.
- The Chlorine Dioxide Forum, is very active with hundreds of people on most of the time. The Forum offers you the ability to search through many topics and post questions.
- Many people find the answers they seek as well as helpful information by reading Chlorine Dioxide Testimonials. This site has a helpful search feature.
Thank you for your understanding.
You are welcome to leave any other comments and questions below.
Your personal information is never published.